Sunday, 23 November 2008

Dan Brown Loves NAV 2009 (and so do I)

Well done to the product team for getting NAV 2009 released to market. It's been a long haul for them and what they've acheived is truly remarkable. Dan Brown has made a blog post on the NAV Team Blog (read it here) in which he talks about the emotion that people attach to the new user experience and you should really go and read it if you have not done so already.

I've been playing around with NAV 2009 since the first release was made available to partners in May of this year. I'd seen some pretty cool videos previously and I was surpised to find the product looked just like the video and was fast and stable. The new Role Center approach is going to take some thinking from partners and initially introduces an extra step in the configuration process, but over time I can see this dominating the entire implementation process with the focus being more on the people in the organzation, the roles they play and the processes they need to perform and less on the data and the functions that are required to work on the data.

2009 is going to be a great year for NAV and I think it's going to be a whole heap of fun putting the theory into practice. Have you had chance to use it yet? If so, leave me a comment and let me know what you think of it.

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